National Security : Defence Minister Stresses On Territorial Integrity

Minister Joseph Beti Assomo calling on collective vigilance for the protection of Cameroon’s territorial integrity.

Joseph Beti Assomo said the defence forces will spare no effort at working to bring back peace and security in the country.

Faced with the current security challenges in the country, the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defence, Joseph Beti Assomo on June 21, 2019 at the Senate presented a general overview of the security situation of the nation, highlighting on the preservation of territorial integrity by defence forces. The Minister was responding to a question from Senator Pierre Flambeau Ngayap of the National Union for Democracy and Progress, (NUDP) during a question and answer plenary sitting of the House chaired by the President, Marcel Niat Njifenji, in the presence of the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Bolvine Wakata. The NUDP Senator questioned government on efforts made for the return of peace in the country.  
In his response Minister Beti Assomo said Boko Haram has been greatly weakened in the Far North Region with the locality experiencing relative calm most of 2018 and economic activities gradually being regained. While calling on collective vigilance, he stated that the plan of the terrorist group to create a caliphate has been frustrated, reason for their change in tactic to mutating, a move which defence forces are using military intelligences and strategies to combat. To better easily tackle the situation and enhance border security, the Minister said Cameroonian authorities are in synergy with the armed forces of other border countries facing similar security threats.
The Adamawa Region which is facing the problem of hostage taking, Minister Beti Assomo said regular field visits are being effected to the locality to listen to the population, create a convivial and confident relationship with the people on information sharing. He stated that for the past six months, people are returning back to their villages and throughout his stay in Ngaoundere, no hostage taking case was reported. The influx of refugees from neighbouring countries in the East Region is being managed according to the Minister by government and partners. 
Going by Minister Beti Assomo, the situation in the North West and South West Regions is improving despite some degree of fear and social tension in the areas. Defence and security forces, he said, are working at protecting the territorial integrity of the State. He cited the recent peace keeping mission of the Prime Minister to both regions, calling on citizens to contribute in safeguarding the unity and diversity of Cameroon.  While regretting the barbaric manner in which soldiers and civilians are being maimed, he noted that the Cameroonian army is courageous and determined to do its job of promotion peace and security. “We are optimistic when we look at the future and we are sure that the defence forces will spare no effort at working to bring back peace in the country. We need the participation and collaboration of the whole nation,” he stated. The Minister used the opportunity to pay homage to the 17 soldiers the country was observing a national day of mourning (June 21) as decreed by President Paul Biya in recognition to their bravery during the Darak attack in the night of Sunday 9th breaking Monday 10th June 2019.

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