Social Media:Students Called To Develop Critical Spirit

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education made the call as he opened the 10th Cameroon University Students’ Forum yesterday June 26 in Yaounde

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Jacques Fame Ndongo, has called on Cameroonian youths; particularly those in the University milieu to develop a critical spirit and constant doubts towards any information they read on social media. He made the call yesterday June 26, 2019 at the University of Yaounde II-Soa while opening the 10th Cameroon University Students’ Forum (FETUC), which ends today. The forum is holding on the theme “Youths and the Social Media: How to optimize the creative potential of students of Cameroonian universities.”

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education underscored the importance of the social media which is not just a tool for interactive communication, professional marketing and pedagogic tool for learning and research, but also a major tool of misinformation. As such, Jacques Fame Ndongo called on students to ensure a civic and proper use of the social media by developing a critical spirit and bring under questioning any information they find on the social network. In this light, the Minister called on students not to systematically share any information they read on the social media, reflect and also verify information seen on social media and always ask questions such as; is this information fundamental and interesting to me and others, what is the objective of the author of the message, can this information disturb or hamper the reputation of someone else and to whom is any message destined to. In this manner, Professor Jacques Fame Ndongo said students would not be part of the spread of fake news on social media, which can expose them to other social ills.

The forum is out to educate students towards a responsible and civic use of social networks, raise awareness of the many opportunities for information, learning and knowledge that the Internet offers, raise awareness about the abuses and dangers of unsafe and irresponsible use of social networks as well as discuss and propose methods to stimulate the creative abilities of students while using the Internet. Through debates, training and exchange ideas, the students will dwell on topics such as Functional Utility of social networks: how to optimize the creative potential of students, dangers and risks of digital social networks: how to protect students and the relevant and secure use of social networks.

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