Socio-political Crisis : SDF MPs Present Proposals

The SDF MPs stating their proposals.

The Social Democratic Front Parliamentary Group at the National Assembly gave a press conference in Yaounde on July 9, 2019.

Members of the National Assembly who belong the leading opposition Social Democratic Front (SDF) in a resolution have given their proposals on ways of resolving the ongoing socio-political crisis rocking the English-speaking North West and South West Regions. This was during a press conference chaired by the new SDF Chief Whip at the National Assembly, Hon. Paul Nji Tumasang. The draft resolution in accordance with the provision of Section 57 of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly was prepared by Hon. Fusi Naamukong Wilfred Aziya and supported by the entire group.
The People’s representatives in a submission reiterated the proposal of the SDF National Chairman, John Fru Ndi to the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute during his peace mission to Bamenda that the party’s leadership was prepared to mediate in the search for meaningful and lasting solutions  to the crisis in the two regions. They said the SDF stands to defend and protect the interests of the Cameroonian people.
Concerning practical ways to get out of the crisis, the SDF Members of the National Assembly proposed a total cease fire by all parties involved in the crisis in the North West and South West Regions, open debate in order to identify the root causes of the crisis in view of seeking a definitive and lasting solution. They also propose that all those in detention in connection with the crisis be released and amnesty granted to those in Cameroon and in the diaspora who are affected and/or are involved in the crisis. The MPs also propose that compensation be envisaged to all the victims of the crisis after a broad-based evaluation of the lives and property destroyed and that a  peace, truth and reconciliation commission be set up to effect a mediated settlement that will involve those inside and outside the country, those freed from detention. They wished that elections be organised only after the crisis in the North West and South West Regions must have been resolved.
The crisis has hit the SDF right to its marrow. Separatist fighters have kidnapped the SDF National Chairman, John Fru Ndi two times, some of his family members and some other party bigwigs are also reported to have been kidnapped and attacked in several ways. 

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